Which Countries Top the Study Abroad List

Where Do College Kids Study Abroad?

Where do students go when they study abroad? England and the United Kingdom were the number one destination among the 241,791 U.S. students who studied abroad in 2006-07. Some 14.5% spent their term in the UK. Add in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, and more than 23% headed for English-speaking countries.

Where else did they go? According to the Institute of International Education's most recent annual survey, these were the top ten countries for U.S. students in 2006-07:

1. United Kingdom 32,705
2. Italy 27,831
3. Spain 24,005
4. France 17,233
5. China 11,064
6. Australia 10,747
7. Mexico 9,461
8. Germany 7,355
9. Ireland 5,785
10. Costa Rica 5,383

The United States is a popular destination for students from other countries, as well. Some 623,805 students came to the U.S. to study in 2006-07.

So how does one choose? Language plays a role, of course, as do academic and personal goals. This article on "Is Study Abroad Right For Me?" may help your child decide.
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