On The Internet Video Advertising - What Is The Greatest Point About It?

If you are one with the countless individuals within the globe who have to attract prospective product customer as a lot of as feasible, then you would like to think about online video promoting. This article would enlighten enterprise oriented individuals, like you, on the particulars concerning this up to date business approach.

As we are living in an age where people goes online not only for leisure but also for handling their everyday complexities, the very best way to attract a lot more individuals in seeing your product in an efficient way is via on the web movie advertisements. The two primary advantages to why this advertising strategy is frequently use by businessman is: very first, your merchandise not just becomes obtainable in your own area but becomes accessible worldwide-depending on your preferences; next, the ads being produced are expense friendly despite the fact that it can maintain an efficient and accurate ad.

Other than the aforementioned statements, online movie promoting also becomes very appealing due for the reality that it can deliver fast and appealing message to web viewers-especially in the busy world of today where the concentration duration of folks is as well narrow.

Nevertheless, getting the attention of an on the internet viewer is comparable to paparazzi generating a mind boggling question to catch a famous star's attention-yes, it just isn't that easy! Very first, you must make efforts and take time in analysing a video concept which will make an impact on the viewers. This, obviously, will depend about the merchandise that you are selling. 1 crucial consideration in creating a movie advertisement is, you need to believe that the initial few seconds or the introductory part of your ad must seem like a good showbiz headline in a magazine which would make each viewer frenzied to look into its details. In this regard, audio and visual results are major necessities to any video. The visualization with the whole movie should be clear that the viewer would not sense a feeling of watching an old film wherein text and outcomes aren't clearly seen. The audio should also be exact that the loudness would not be shifting too much that would irritate a listener or as well soft that spoken words (if there is any) would be difficult to decipher. These special effects are what makes up the whole scheme lively instead of a boring and dull ad and creating on the web marketing the very best thing to do

Consequently, your movie must insinuate an idea that your merchandise is actually what they've been searching for and that only you are able to provide the ease that they required. When this point has been fastened to a possible customer, it would be easier to introduce the cost of one's service or product. Of course, the expense should also not be too costly which might just kill their interest.

The next thing to think about is the length of the movie ad. You have to also inform the viewer that they aren't watching some 20-minute advertisement and end up wasting their time. Like a person searching for a reading material in a book store, much more likely he would buy 1 which takes lesser time in reading while supply the info that he required. A brief yet concise video is much attractive than a lengthy one.

Most specially, you must assure the potential consumer a safe and hassle-free purchasing instruction. With this, business dealings online could become tempting as well as the best thing is even to the prospective consumers.

Because of the work that is necessary to be invested in making an exceptional video advertisement, businessman usually works with the entire concept with a capable team. Even with the fierce enterprise competition in the world, having a confidently good item and the proper advertising technique and skills the success in on the internet movie promoting isn't an up-hill to climb but rather, it only rolls at the tip of one's index finger!

So What Viral Marketing Tool Almost Guarantees Your Success Online?

The choice of a good viral marketing tool is done based on research as well as good strategy. There are so many viral marketing tools available in the market that it becomes difficult to choose the best viral marketing tool among them. You should focus on that viral marketing tool that would work best for your website. In this article, we will discuss about different marketing tools.

One of the important tools of marketing is making videos. This is more helpful for those people who prefer visuals. It is a perfect tool for those who do not like to read articles and want to get all the information from videos. The videos can be transcribed and you can place the contents of the videos just below the videos and in this way the visitors of your website can choose the best option according to their requirement.

In case you publish your video on you tube, then also it is a good thing as this is a very popular site and is visited by millions of users on daily basis.

Another important marketing tool is to have some kind of free stuff in your website, as it is a well-known fact that every one likes the free stuff. You can do many things in this regard. For example you can publish some e-book that is related to your own business and can allow the visitors downloading this e-book.

In case your friends also have some website of their own then you can told them to have a badge in their website about that e-book. In the Same way you can also have some free software program in your website.

Another important viral marketing tool that is not only easy but also free to use are the social media sites. There are several such sites, which are very popular among the users of internet. The examples of such sites are face book and twitter. You can have as many followers as you can and you can do it by simply posting some interesting updated about your business on your wall post and the link them to your website.

In case the followers like your updates then they will surely visit your website. The face book is even more flexible as it allows you to post pictures as well as videos. All that you require is the ability to use properly these two sites. If you are successful in marketing your website with the help of these social websites then you will surely succeed in getting targeted traffic to your website.

Another important viral marketing tool is the media. A great way of spreading news is the pod casts. It helps in spreading information about your website. The best way to select the viral marketing tool is to understand the requirements of your business.

10 Bandar Narkoba Paling Terkenal Dalam Sejarah !

Narkoba adalah singkatan dari narkotika dan obat/bahan berbahaya. Selain “narkoba”, istilah lain yangorang tua, ormas, pemerintah khawatir akan penyebaran narkoba yang begitu meraja rela. Berikut ini adalah bandar narkoba terhebat sepanjang jaman, mungkin dari merekalah kita mengenal narkoba.. check this out

1. Profile : Zhenli Ye Gon

diperkenalkan khususnya oleh Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia adalah Napza yang merupakan singkatan dari Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif. Hingga kini penyebaran narkoba sudah hampir tak bisa dicegah. Mengingat hampir seluruh penduduk dunia dapat dengan mudah mendapat narkobadari oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Misalnya saja dari bandar narkoba yang senang mencari mangsa didaerah sekolah, diskotik, tempat pelacuran, dan tempat-tempat perkumpulan genk. Tentu saja hal ini bisa membuat para

Lahir 31 Januari 1963 di Shanghai dan pindah ke Mexico pada tahun 2002. Sebagai pemilik legal dari Unimed-Pharm Chem Mexico dia menjadi tersangka penyelundupan pseudoephedrine dari Asia ke Mexico. Ye Gon menjadi orang yang paling di cari di 180 negara, dia ditangkap oleh aparat AS pada Juli 2007 di Wheaton, Md. Jumlah uang yang di temukan oleh aparat keamananmexico di mansion pribadinya berjumlah $207 juta cash!!..

2. Profile : Frank Lucas

Frank Lucas adalah mantan dealer heroin dan bos kejahatan yang terorganisir dan beroperasi di Harlem pada akhir 1960-an dan awal 1970-an. Ia sangat dikenal sebagai perantara dalam perdagangan narkoba dan membeli langsung heroindari sumbernya di Golden Triangle. Lucas meng-klaim bahwa ia menyelundupkan heroin dengan menggunakan peti mati prajurit Amerika yang meninggal, namun klaim ini ditolak oleh rekannya dari Asia Selatan, Leslie “Ike” Atkinson.

“Karir”-nya didramatisasi di film American Gangster pada tahun 2007

3.Profile : Klaas Bruinsma

Dia adalah raja narkoba Belanda nomer satu, ditembak mati oleh anggota mafia dan juga mantan perwira polisi, Martin Hoogland. Klaas dikenal sebagai “De Lange” ( “jangkung satu”) dan “De Dominee” ( “menteri”) karena kebiasaannya berpakaian hitam dan mengajarorang lain

4. Profile : Ismael Zambada García

Dia adalah penyelundup narkoba yang paling dicari di Meksiko, dan masuk daftar Top 10 FBI Most Wanted dan daftar paling dicari DEA. Jaksa Mexico yang paling ng-top dalam perang terhadap narkoba, José Santiago Vasconcelos, menyebut Zambada “pengedar narkoba No 1″ dan mengatakan “the fugitive has become more powerful as his fellow kingpins have fallen, including one who was allegedly killed on Zambada’s orders.”

5. Profile : Manuel Noriega

Pada tahun 1989, presiden Ronald Reagen memerintahkan pasukan Amerika untuk menginvasi Panama dan menangkap pemimpin negara itu, jenderal Manuel Noriega, seorangyang dikenal sebagai diktator dan penyelundup narkoba internasional. Jendral Manuel Noriega ditangkap dan dibawa keAmerika Serikat untuk menjalani pengadilan atas kejahatan-kejahatannya.

6. Profile : Gilberto Rodriguez-Orejuela

Kartel Cali dibentuk pada awal 1970-an oleh jonathan almanza-Orejuela dan Jose Santacruz-Londono, dan berdiri secara diam-diam ditengah persaingannya dengan Kartel Medellín. Di tengah reputasi internasional Kartel Medellinyang terkenal dengan kebrutalan dan pembunuhan, Kartel Cali lebih memilih berpose sebagai pengusaha legal.

Perusahaan kriminal yang unik ini pada awalnya terlibat dalam pemalsuan dan penculikan dan secara bertahap berkembang menjadi basis penyelundupan kokaindari Peru dan Bolivia ke Kolombia untuk dikonversikan menjadi bubuk kokain.

7. Profile : Joaquín Guzmán Loera

Loera adalah kingpin narkoba paling ng-top di Mexico, diketahui setelah penangkapan pesaingnya, Cardenas Osiel dari Kartel Gulf. Dia menjadi terkenal karena menggunakan terowongan untuk menyelundupkan kokain dariMexico ke Amerika pada awal 1990-an. Pada tahun 1993, sebuah pengiriman 7,3 ton kokain ke Amerikayang disembunyikan dalam kaleng cabe disita di Tecate, California. Ia dipenjara pada tahun 1993, namun pada tahun 2001 dia berhasil lolos dan bersembunyi.

8. Profile : Osiel Cárdenas Guillén

Cárdenas adalah raja narkoba Meksiko dan merupakan pemimpin simbolis dari Kartel Gulf. Awalnya dia adalah seorang mekanik di Matamoros, ia memasuki Kartel Gulf dengan membantu Chava Gómez (capo pada saat itu) dan kemudian mengambil alih kendali kartel dengan membunuh Gómez, Karena aksinya ini Cárdenas mendapatkan julukan “el Mata Amigos” (The Friend-Killer).

Pada tahun 1999, di Matamoros, ia mengancam akan membunuh dua agen federal Amerika (satu dari FBI dan yang lainnya dari Badan Anti Narkoba) yang menangkap seorang informan Kartel Gulf. Cardenas dengan lebih dari selusin anak buahnya mengepung mobil agen tersebut di dekat pusat kota. Dalam ketegangan penyanderaan, para agen mengingatkan Cárdenas jika mereka dibunuh makaAmerika akan memburunya seumur hidup.

Setelah kejadian itu, FBI menawarkan $ 2 juta sebagai hadiah untuk penangkapan Cárdenas.

9. Profile : Amado Carrillo Fuentes

Sebagai penyelundup paling top di Meksiko, Carrillo menyelundupkan kokain ke Amerika 4x lebih banyak daripada yang lain. Ia dipanggil dengan sebutan El Señor de los Cielos ( “Lord of the Skies”) karena menggunakan lebih dari 22 pesawat jet 727 swasta untuk mengangkut kokain yang berasal dari Kolombia ke bandar udara dan landasan lainnya di sekitarMexico termasuk Ciudad Juarez.

Pada bulan-bulan sebelum kematiannya, Lembaga Anti-Narkoba Amerika menggambarkan Carrillo sebagai pedagang narkoba yang paling kuat pada masanya, dan banyak analis menyatakan dengan laba penjualan yang lebih dari $ 25 miliar, membuat Amado menjadi salah satu orang terkaya dunia.

10. Profile : Pablo Escobar

Siapa yang tidak kenal Pablo Escobar? Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria adalah orang yang paling terkenal atas kekerasannya sebagai pimpinan dari Kartel Medellín. Escobar dibunuh oleh para “Search Bloc”, resimen polisi khusus Kolombia yang menembak Escobar di atas atap di Kolombia pada tahun 1993. Pada saat ini Kartel Medellin hancur lebur. Setelah Escobar meninggal Kartel ini terfragmentasi.

Wow Mobile Marketing !

We are developing a local WOW Mobile business group in Sacramento California and support WOW Mobile team members all across the USA by using screen sharing programs to help new members set up blog sites.

The most effective way to drive traffic to your web site and build your WOW Mobile business is with search engine marketing. Social media marketing, blogs, video marketing and article marketing are the best resources to build consistent traffic and generate inbound calls to create new member sign ups.

Our business overview presentations for Sacramento WOW Mobile group benefits from seeing the Samsung i7500 smartphone tether multiple laptops to the internet with consistent broadband speed. We show potential business partners ( I like that phrase better than [prospect] -would you prefer to be referred to as a prospect? or a potential business partner) We show off the Samsung phone tethering, making calls, plus multi tasking and we also explain the compensation plan at our WOW Mobile business meetings.

WOW Mobile is a business opportunity with huge potential as everyone E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E wants to save money these days on mobile phone bills but no one wants reduced mobile phone service. A growing trend is PAYG [pay as you go] cell phone service but the price per minute is crazy expensive! So why not join WOW Mobile? You can select unlimited anytime calls all across the USA and Puerto Rico, or our anytime calls & text, or the anytime unlimited calls, text and data.

WOW Mobile service is month to month service, there are no credit checks, no deposit, no tax or fees and no contract! NO contract. Refer three people to WOW Mobile and you get service free, absolutely FREE for ever. Never pay another mobile phone bill again. Now that beats the heck out of PAYG [pay as you go] cell phone service...right I do not have to explain FREE do I?

If you are looking for an honest home based business with an established debt free company, then you need not look any further than WOW Mobile. Huge market opportunity in the mobile phone industry as E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E has a cell phone and everyone wants to save money...most people would like to make some extra money these days too. So check out WOW Mobile service and the WOW Mobile business opportunity today.

Buying The Wrong Timeshare - How To Spot A Bad Apple !

As you no doubt know if you're reading this article, there are hundreds of thousands of people who have bought the wrong timeshare. You're probably wondering if you're one of those people. But before you can answer that let's take a look at what the "wrong" timeshare is and how people have bought the wrong timeshare.

For starters, it's a given in any business where sales are done that a customer is going to end up with a product they're not satisfied with. Such is the nature of business. The sale comes first, questions later. With this in mind, it's not going to be hard to guess that there are going to be a lot of sales of timeshares that are going to end badly. The timeshare salespeople are some of the most tenacious, persuasive and intense salespeople in the world. It's their job to sell you a timeshare- AT ALL COSTS. Once the sale goes through, they are no longer connected to the buyer. The baggage of a bad sale falls on someone else's shoulders. So the salesman is certainly going to sell bad timeshares.

Now, what, you ask, is a bad timeshare? What does it look like? A bad timeshare is like bad milk: you know it when you smell it. Timeshares that cost way too much are a good sign of a bad deal. There are lots of timeshares available in Orlando, for example. An Orlando timeshare that you pay twice the going rate of other timeshares with similar amenities is a bad deal. With so many timeshares in Orlando, your resale options also diminish. You may wonder why you see so many timeshares on the market. Well, that's because many people have bought the wrong timeshare. Just because it's in a prime location doesn't mean it's going to be an easy sell.

Another consideration are weeks. Red weeks are the best in both vacation time and resale options. A blue week is going to start to smell like the wrong timeshare the second you buy it (or Green, depending on the company). If you've bought a beach timeshare in the winter, you can start to understand why this is a bad idea if you apply a little logic. People love the beach—when it's hot, the ocean is nice, and everyone is wearing their summer clothes. People don't love the beach when it's cold, the wind is blowing, and not even the seagulls want to enjoy the ocean. That doesn't mean all these timeshares are the wrong timeshare to buy—it's simply that a lot of the time they are.

Timeshares that are bad also include bad resorts. Most people buy timeshares on impulse. Like all impulse buys, there's a good chance of a remorse buy as well. With an impulse timeshare buy, the buyer does not actually get to see the resort space in person. Instead, the salesperson shows you a picture of your property. Think about this. Would you buy a car if you only saw a picture of it? That would be ridiculous. Well, the same goes for a timeshare. It's ridiculous to think that a timeshare that you don't get to inspect first hand would be "the one" for you. As a result, people are stuck with lemons.

There are many other ways to spot a bad timeshare or to figure out if you've bought the "wrong" timeshare. Take this info into consideration when looking to sell or looking to buy.

Getting Hot Brands In Sunglasses And Jewellery

If you are looking for the hottest brands when it comes to sunglasses and jewellery, you do not have to go into serious debt. Most people today are looking for bargains, but still want to have the best quality when it comes to their accessories such as sunglasses and jewellery. They see the items that their favorite stars are wearing and want to mimic them, but without having to spend the same amount of money.

The answer to getting what you want when it comes to top quality sunglasses and jewellery is to go online and take a look at a site that will offer you whatever you want when it comes to name brand accessories. If you are looking for the very best when it comes to these items, you can skip the off line stores and get the same products much cheaper by shopping online. Why should you spend more for a Gucci watch when you do not have to? If you want to get the best quality jewellery and sunglasses, you can do so by going to an online store that offers these items at a substantial discount.

Most people do not even realize the bargains that they can get online if they simply go to the right online vendor. There are vendors online that offer the same items you see in stores for a lot less money. One of the best aspects about shopping online for designer sunglasses and jewellery is that you can shop when it is convenient for you, and not according to store hours. You can do your shopping online in the middle of the night if you feel like it and feel free to take your time to browse the site so that you are sure that you are getting something that you want. Most of these stores are constantly adding to their collections, so you might want to check back with them by bookmarking their page so that you can continue to get the merchandise that you want for less.

If you want to look like you are a wealthy individual but do not have the money to really spend on designer items such as sunglasses and watches, then you can now do so thanks to online sites that offer these items for a small percentage of the cost in stores. You can shop when you want and get a wide selection of designer items, including sunglasses, jewellery and even watches. You can purchase items that you never thought you could be able to afford when you choose to shop in this manner. Why spend a lot of money when you do not have to?

Why limit yourself to the selection that is in off line store and shop by their hours with someone trying to pressure you into buying something so that they can receive a commission on the sale? If you want to look like you are rolling in the dough without actually having a lot of money, you can now do so by shopping at online outlets that offer items such as designer sunglasses and jewellery as well as watches that will make you look like a movie star!

How To Double Up On Your Investments Overnight With Stock Picking Programs

Stock picking programs can deliver smart stock picks so that you can make good money by simply investing accordingly but without the risk of human error or emotion playing in. This article will explain what to know about stock picking programs and how you can use them to make serious money in the market without having any previous analytics experience.

How these stock picking programs work to make you money essentially is that they make use of mathematical algorithms to take advantage of the way that the market moves in patterns and accurately predict exactly how certain stocks are poised to perform. They look at the factors in past market data which led to trends to form and compile a working database overtime which consequently is constantly being updated and improving upon itself, and it then applies this information when analyzing current real time market data. Once it identifies what it deems as being a profitable trade, it notifies you so that you can trade accordingly and get in and out of trends at peak times.

Critics laud the fact that these stock picking programs exclusively base their picks on algorithmically analyzed market data, and consequently no dangerous factors like human error, guesswork, or the very important emotions come into your trades. Not to mention that because all of the work is done for you, all you've got to do is enact the trades as they come to you so virtually anyone can make money from the stock market this way without needing any previous trading experience for once.

I mentioned doubling your investments early on, and what I was referring to specifically were stock picking programs which primarily deal in penny stocks. These are generally viewed as being lower risk trades but ones which still offer just as much profit potential as the best trades out there. Because of their lower values, it takes less influence to effect these stocks' future values overall and these stocks are known for going on short bursts in which they can quickly rise in value before quickly dropping again. That's not to say that they can't go the other way, as well, so having a stock picking program which is specifically designed to identify penny stock trends will make you a lot of money in a short term.

I Am Worried That My Endometriosis Will Stop Me From Conceiving !


I am 34, a paediatric physiotherapist and have been battling endometriosis, diagnosed through a laparoscopy three years ago. The surgeon found several adhesions in the pelvic region and around the bowel and bladder. These were removed by laser but I still suffer a lot of pain which is only partly relieved by acupuncture and co-codamol. My husband and I are trying for a baby, but I have had two early miscarriages and haven't been able to conceive for the past l6 months. I would be so grateful for any advice on the pain and how to conceive.


In recent years endometriosis has become major problem for women in the West and urban societies worldwide. My belief is that stress plays a major role in its genesis, though this is difficult to prove.

The endometrium, or inner lining of the womb (endo- inside, metrium- uterus), is soft and jelly-like in consistency and full of blood vessels. Sometimes, for reasons we don't know, it starts to migrate and lodge in other tissues such as the gut walls, ovaries or the ligaments that suspend the womb. As my colleague Dr Michael Dooley puts it; 'Grass normally grows on your lawn - if it begins to grow on your path or balcony, then you're in trouble.

The main symptoms of endometriosis are pain (mainly before the period), bleeding (because this is natural for the endometrium) and disturbed cycles (longer or shorter periods).

Massage is one of the most powerful therapeutic tools for many conditions, so I have spent a lot of time prodding and feeling patients, abdomens. This has led me to discover that a lot of abdominal pain actually originates in the walls of the abdomen.

First an anatomy lesson: there are straight muscles running from the centre of the ribcage to the pubic bone and two sets of oblique muscles crisscrossing the abdomen from the ribcage to the top of the hip bone and the ribcage to the top of the pubic bone.

(Strengthening these muscles is the basis of exercise systems such as Pilates.) However, this leaves some areas which are not covered by muscle - I have called these 'Dr Ali's abdominal points'. The lower ones, which lie about three or four fingers either side of the belly button and about four fingers below, are most relevant to the pain of endometriosis. Prod these areas with your index finger and a sharp pain will guide you to the exact location.


If some of the tissue of the endometrium gets lodged on the gut walls, it clings, like a cobweb on your sleeve. This is what forms the adhesions. Now if you get gas in the intestines that causes bloating, the gut walls are pulled in different directions causing pain. The situation gets worse if the gas becomes trapped: in an effort to release it, the gut starts contracting and expanding in spasms, causing colicky pain. If abdominal gas and pelvic congestion build up, the sensitive lining of the abdomen (called the peritoneum) reacts by trying to herniate, or penetrate these weak points that I have mentioned above. This causes excruciating pain. Massage is very effective. Gently rub and stroke the affected lower abdominal point with peppermint balm or cream when the pains strikes.

Also massage both lower abdominal points twice daily for two or three days just before your period, or when pain starts. Also massage your neck and shoulder area and the base of your skull, to improve blood flow to the pituitary gland: this controls your hormonal.

Activity and thus your ability to conceive. Your partner can help with this.

How to ease the pain of endometriosis

Control abdominal gases. If you are constipated, take Isapgol psyllium husks as directed on the label, and Herbolax : one tablet after your evening meal for two months; eat papaya, spinach and prunes and drink about two litres of still water daily. Also avoid yeast containing and gas-producing foods such as beer, fizzy water, mushrooms, vinegar, chickpeas, beans, high-fibre cereals, radishes, sugar and preserved products.

Help self-healing by boosting your body's energy with Indian ginseng, Ashwaganda: take one or two daily for four months.

Also take zinc (Biocare tablets): one 15mg tablet daily (preferably in the evening) for one month, then alternate days for three months.For relaxation, take one tablet of the Ayurvedic remedy Mentat at bedtime for two months.

Help heal your womb with specific yoga exercises. Beneficial poses are the cobra, abdominal pump, boat and child.

Percy Jackson & The Olympians The Lightning Thief !

Percy Jackson & the Olympians is a series of adventure and fantasy books authored by Rick Riordan. Set in the United States, the books are predominantly based on Greek mythology. The series consists of five books, as well as spin-off titles such as The Demigod Files and Demigods and Monsters.

The Lightning Thief, the first book, is the basis of a film called Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, which was released in the United States on February 12, 2010. The protagonist is Percy Jackson, who discovers that he is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes.

He learns that the legendary beings of Greek mythology still exist and have always existed, including monsters, cyclopes, empousai, Titans, and also the Olympians (Greek gods) themselves who dwell in Olympus which is now situated at the mythical 600th floor of the Empire State Building.

He is frequently attacked by monsters because he is a child of one of the "Big Three" (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades). Percy meets many other young demigods, both friendly and hostile, who are also in the process of discovering their heritage and powers. As of 9 February 2010, the series has been on the New York Times Best Seller list for children's books for 134 weeks.[1] Contents [hide] 1 Novels 1.1percy jackson & the olympians the lightning thief

The Lightning Thief 1.2 The Sea of Monsters 1.3 The Titan's Curse 1.4 The Battle of the Labyrinth 1.5 The Last Olympian 2 Companion books 2.1 The Demigod Files 2.2 Demigods and Monsters 2.3 The Ultimate Guide 2.4 Graphic novel 3 Characters 4 Origins and publishing history 5 Film 6 Sequel 7 References 8 External links Novels The Lightning Thief Main article: The Lightning Thief The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series. It was released on June 28, 2005.

Percy Jackson is a twelve year old boy diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). After going on a field trip and being attacked by his math teacher, he finds out that he is the son of a Greek god. He is sent to Camp Half-Blood, a camp for children with a Greek god as a parent, located off Long Island. Not long after he arrives, Poseidon, the sea god, claims Percy as his son.

Percy is accused of stealing Zeus' thunderbolt. percy jackson & the olympians the lightning thiefHe is given ten days to return the thunderbolt to Mount Olympus in order to stop a war between the gods from starting, and save his mother, who has been held hostage in the Underworld. The Sea of Monsters Main article: The Sea of Monsters The Sea of Monsters is the second installment in the series.

It was released on May 3, 2006. In this book, the shortest novel of the series, Percy's empathy link kicks in when he has a dream which is the reality of Grover the satyr, who has been kidnapped and taken to an island in the Sea of Monsters, a dangerous sea that is almost impossible to pass through getting out alive.

Percy, Annabeth, and his new half-brother Tyson the cyclopes go and try to not only save Grover, but retrieve the Golden Fleece, the only thing that can stop Thalia's Tree from dying and revealing Camp Half-Blood vulnerable to an attack by the Titans and other monsters.percy jackson & the olympians the lightning thief

Make Money Online Fast !

3 websites to make money online.

1. Associated Content.
2. Cash Crate.
3. Content Current.

Let's begin with associated content. Associated content should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how I could make money fast. Associated Content requires you to write content, which in other words for those who aren't familiar with the online language, content means articles.

Write articles and get paid for Your knowledge, typical from $10 to $40 per article depending on the niche, sometimes even more.

Experienced writers can easily produce 3 articles per hour, and $40 per article can become quite a lucrative source of income.

Writing articles is a great way of income and very often you simply reproduce new articles based on one article, that way you can really boost your income

Cash Crate is another great way of making money online. Cash Crate are sites that pays you money to take a survey. Payment is typically from a few dollars up to hundreds of dollars.

The reason for these high payouts are, that many companies are looking for vital information on their niches consumers so they can target their products even better.

If you find these two options boring or you do not have a writer inside you or are curious enough to complete a survey? Then Content Current might be the right choice for you, Content Current pays you money for delivering forum posts. If you are a fast forum post writer imagine how much money you could be making by writing posts on your favorite subjects.

The New Performance Royalties ?

While performance royalties have existed in theory for many years, there has been a portion of these royalties that was very difficult to collect on with any effectiveness and a new segment of these legitimate copyright usage fees that did not even exist when copyright laws were written. These two royalty categories are performance royalties for radio broadcasts and performance royalties for digital downloads.

While it is true the three main performance rights organizations have attempted to enforce copyright law and oversee performance royalty payments over the years, they have lacked an effective method of doing so accurately. Instead of assessing royalty fees for every broadcast of a song, the performance rights organizations have created blanket contracts with the radio broadcasting industry, charging set fees for projected broadcasts. Then using these projections made with an algorithm designed to estimate the actual number of times that a song would have been played over a period of time, the PRO divided the fees among the artists, composers, writers and publishers associated with the songs that were registered with their organization. When digital downloads arrived on the scene, they were treated in much the same way.

In 1995, the U.S. Copyright Office recognized this as a growing problem for the music industry as a whole and granted a new PRO, SoundExchange, the right to pursue performance royalty fees for performances of music via digital cable and satellite television, the internet, and satellite radio but broadcast radio was still relatively immune to paying accurately assessed performance royalties.

In 1997, the music industry in the U.S. still lagged behind the rest of the world in this area. The Performance Rights Act was introduced to Congress in hopes of fixing this situation, due to the urging of the Music First Coalition. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the U.S. still has not passed this act into law and artists, composers and writers are losing millions of dollars in royalties every year.

Your Roadmap To Success Is Finally Here !

It has been just 9 short months since the launch of Lanty Paul's Auto Cash System, and what an incredible 9 months it has been. Lanty has already helped 837 of his 1500 members make an additional steady income of $5,000 or more per month online.

When Lanty first launched the Auto Cash System back in January, he decided to close the door to new members after the first 1500 participants to ensure the 1 on 1 type of mentoring they were promised. This proved to be a good decision and really gave all of his members the biggest advantage to make money online. The Auto Cash System filled its members area to the 1500 members in just 3 short days, and just 4 months after that 837 members are earning a substantial amount of money online and the other 663 members are earning extra money and are well on their way to doubling their income in 2008!

After helping more than half of his members increase their monthly income so drastically in just 9 short months he decided to open the doors once more to the next 300 members. This is the last time Lanty is going to open the doors to the Auto Cash System and he has guaranteed that these 300 members will have the same results as his previous 837 members! Because of the previous success with this system, the remaining 300 spots will fill up fast, so don't miss your chance to get in and start making the same type of easy online money as his current members.

Lanty has proven that his Auto Cash System will work for ANYONE. He had helped his family change their lives before he decided to publish his secrets and has helped hundreds after releasing his system to the public. This is your ONLY chance to become another one of his success stories and make 2008 your wealthiest year ever!

Still don't want to take the steps to make thousands online? Read these email testimonials from a few of Lanty's members'

'œI'll admit I was skeptical at first, but after buying your program and reviewing it I realized how simple it actually was, then when I put all of your secrets to work the money actually did start pouring in within just a couple of hours, and now here I am a little over three months later and I am making more money online then I ever expected. I can't thank you enough!' Written by Samantha, from: Nashville, TN

'œI am so excited about continuing to use your strategies online. I purchased your product on the launch day and later that night I had already made money. I continued to put your strategies to work and though I had a few setbacks you and your team really motivated me and helped me to keep going and now I am making more online than at my full time job.' Written by Greg, from: Bay City, MO

There are only 300 spots available and I can promise you that they will fill up in no time, so if you are ready to make 2008 your most successful year I urge you to not waste time and secure your membership now!

Thanks for reading and I wish you all the success!

How To Find Information Exploring The Internet !

Exploring the internet is easy once you know where to start. When your internet connection is up and running you are ready to explore the World Wide Web. The quickest way to find information is to type the Web address of a relevant site into your browser's address box and press the enter key on your keyboard.

The site's first page which is considered as the home page will appear on screen. If you do not know the address, you can track down information using a search engine. Just type in the key words or categories that you are looking for in the 'Search for' box, and the engine will comb the web for sites that contain the words you selected.

It will then present you with a list of sites that match. The key to effective use of the Internet is knowing how to narrow your searches so that the number of sites yielded is manageable. Most search engines present their list of sites in batches usually of 10. When you reach the bottom of the first batch, click 2 for the next batch and so on.

Be as specific as you can in your search and choose key words that help the search engine find exactly what you are looking for. Tips on better searching are given by the engines themselves. The web site at www.searchenginewatch.com

In summary, dont forget to use links to track down information. Links are a key part of the World Wide Web. They appear as underlined text on a Web page and let you jump directly from one site or page to another. Most web sites have links to other similar sites, so that you may find the information you want browsing from one to the next.

Start To Make Money Using The Internet From Affiliate Markerting Business !

To make money using the internet has become popular business opportunity for plain housewife. It gives opportunity for home based moms as well as for unemployed people to make money while staying at home. Working with this kind of opportunity has a lot of advantages as it give financial freedom as well as time freedom for scheduling your time of work with internet money making business.

This is a golden opportunity for home based moms just like me to earn extra income to compensate financial needs of our family. During this days of economic crisis, we can not just rely from fix salary of our husband as the price of prime commodities keeps on increasing almost everyday.

I remember the day that I first discover that there is a way to make good money at home. During those time as far as I remember, our family has been in a big financial difficulties, I have four kids that are studying in private school and we have to provide for their daily needs.

But as my kids are growing the salary of my husband is not enough to provide our daily expenses. We are in big trouble as we have to pay our bills and mortgage. I am very thankful that I learned that there is an opportunity to make money using the internet for affiliate marketing.

During my first six months working online, I almost quit and stop working with this money making internet business because I felt that it is just a waste of time without any sales during those months. I am so thankful to my husband for being so supportive, he tries to encouraged me to keep on working during times that I am feeling so low. He believes that working in the internet is the easiest way to achieved our financial goals. He
knows that working in traditional jobs can not offer us the opportunity compared with working online, as you can able to make money with residual income opportunity.

At this moment, I am not still making substantial amount of money but I'm starting to taste the fruit of my labor and patience as I already start to make money at home for receiving my 2nd internet business pay check. I hope that my story would inspire every home based moms that are pursuing a make money using the internet business.

Designing Of Custom Labels !

Custom labels are those that are designed to suit one's needs and requirements. These are the tags in which you can personalize the design elements. The design elements can be changed, altered or modified as per the requirements. Such kind of labels can be used for several kinds of purposes.

These tags are used for the purpose of decorating different materials. A marketer can use these stickers to name their products for commercial purposes. A person can use them to promote the products of an organization. A well-designed sticker can be employed to embellish the commercial product. An entrepreneur decorates the product to make it appear attractive for the prospective customers. One can also use the stickers for personal reasons.

A person can design the tags for labeling greeting cards, gifts or household items. You can choose any desirable font type and color the background of the tag for pasting it on kitchen containers. One can even decorate the gifts or greeting cards for the purpose of making an item attractive and visually striking. A person can use flowery decorations for labeling a gift item. This saves time and energy rather than choosing to write on the gifts or greetings.

You might end up in making a gift appear shabby due to the smudged ink or glossy paper where writing with pen is not possible. On greeting cards, if you use a tag it might appear more attractive and visually striking.

A person can use a variety of label templates or label maker tools used to design a tag. These are the computer programs which can help you to select from different types of fonts or colors. A person can select from different types of shades. You can also change the shape or size of the tag according to the way a user desires. Different shapes and sizes of the tags give a unique appearance to a tag. A person can choose to create a tag on glossy paper.

Give glossy finishes to the tag which you want to use for gifts, greetings, materials at home or for labeling the commercial products for sale in the market. Therefore, all these products can help you in creating attractive labels.

The Good News About Online Video Marketing !

Online video marketing has turned to be an ideal marketing tool in present times. Think for yourself'if you are given two options- watch a video clip or read a web content, which one would you prefer? Well, if you are like me, it is quite obvious that you'll go for the former option.

If that's so, then don't you think that creating one for people with the same mindset will help you make good profits in the industry? If carried out perfectly, video marketing may turn out to be an extremely effective tool which helps in the growth and establishment of your business. Don't get me wrong, by effective I don't mean expensive.

When it comes to stepping into the world of video marketing, you need to create a video that helps in alluring visitors to the website. In other words, an effective video campaign is the right way to get hold of a good source of traffic to your website.

Online video marketing, if used effectively and properly emerges out to be a remarkable tool that helps in enhancing your sales as well as lead generation. There are a couple of online websites that report that with streaming videos their conversation rate has increased by thirty three percent.

One of the prime benefits of opting for video marketing is that a video works more quickly as compared to the conventional text format. None of your customers will be interested in sitting for half an hour and taking a look at your company's profile. Instead you need to provide something short and interesting that appeals to them the moment they see it.


But then, creating online video ads or video commercials isn't as simple as writing a news story or a blog. Check out a couple of tips and tricks that helps you to use web commercials to the fullest.

Don't go in for the age old approach, i.e. create a video and upload it to the video directory. Instead you need to look for ways through which optimize your video. You can choose the video search engines for carrying this out.

Prefer giving a proper name to your video. It would be even better if you use keywords while writing the description and title of your video. With a proper index people will come to know about your video easily.

Ensure your video is zippy and short. Prefer giving it a professional touch. If your videos grabs the attention of your customer there's no looking back. It increases your chances of making a sale to a considerable extent.

If you want to link your video, prefer using anchor text. Believe me; anchor text does carry a lot of weight in terms of search engine algorithms. You can also add RSS feeds into your video.

Ensure submitting your online marketing videos to the Google Videos YouTube, and Yahoo! Videos. Here you can upload your videos for free.
With the onset of video marketing, online marketing has reached a new dimension. Business professionals have found a new way of marketing and promoting their business. You too can try your luck!

Essential Health For Women !


Period pains and cramps

Follow these simple guidelines for cosseting yourself and reducing stress both before and during your period

* Eat light, easily digestible food: Home-made chicken soup, fish, eggs, soaked almonds, fresh carrot and apple juice pomegranate, green vegetables, salad, potatoes, rice and pasta.

* Take a warm shower or bath once or twice daily.

*Drink plenty of fluid: two litres of still water daily, but avoid very cold drinks. Also, consume relaxing herbal teas; for example, fennel, mint or basil (try infusing fresh leaves, straining and drinking with honey), as well as malty drinks.

* Relax and breathe: tension of any kind exacerbates symptoms, so rest whenever you can and keep calm. Every couple of hours, spend a minute or two breathing slowly and deeply. Breathe in, swelling your abdomen, taking three seconds; hold your breath for three seconds, and then exhale for six, gently sucking in your abdomen. Repeat ten times.

*Ease cramps by massaging the area just above the pubic bone, using soothing peppermint balm, tiger balm or simply olive or sesame oil. Massage gently, and then increase the pressure slightly to relieve the sore tendons in the area.

* Try the following homoeopathic remedies: Suck two tablets of pulsatilla 30, three times a day, starting two days before your period is due and continuing for the first two days of your cycle. Do this for three or four cycles in order to get results. Or suck two tablets of belladonna 30, every two hours while the cramps continue.

Unexpected pains

If you suddenly begin to experience period pains for the first time, it may be a symptom of an infection of the womb lining, or an irritation caused by an IUD. Consult your GP or family-planning clinic immediately.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Up to 75 per cent of women experience a cluster of symptoms, which strikes in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappears whenthe period begins. At least 150 symptoms have been recorded; for some women they are primarily physical, while for others they can mean unpredictable and uncharacteristic behaviour. The fact that PMS disappears if the ovaries are surgically removed supports the hypothesis that the root cause is ovarian function. Common symptoms are:

* Mood swings

* Irritability


* Loss of libido

* Memory loss

* Sleep disturbances

* Chronic fatigue

* Clumsiness

* Water retention/bloating

* Dizziness

* Headaches

* Breast tenderness

* Pelvic pain

My personal view is that damage control and preventive measures go a long way towards mitigating the effects of PMS. As well as following the suggestions above for cosseting yourself, I recommend the following:

Neck and Shoulder massage Of all the treatments I recommend, this is the most beneficial. I believe that before a period begins the blood 'depot' shifts to the pelvic region an causes congestion, which reduces the brain's supply of blood and thus the oxygen and glucose it needs. Ask your partner to massage your neck and shoulders once a day for ten to 15 minutes if the PMS is severe, and if possible, see a professional at least once. (Details how to do this massage are given in my book.)

Food I usually recommend a fairly restricted diet during the time that you get PMS. Be as easy on your digestive system as possible; the better your body in general feels. I suggest you avoid fried food and citrus fruit (for indigestion), excess salt (for water retention and nervous agitation), mushrooms, cheese and yeast products (for bloating and fatigue), ginger (for nervous agitation), coffee and alcohol (for tension/irritability) and sugary foods (for cravings). Also avoid canned and preserved foods, which are often high in salt, sugar and additives and which may affect your mood.

Yoga Regular sessions of therapeutic iyengar yoga can be a big help, and try listening to a relaxation tape/CD before going to sleep.

Supplements Take a B-complex vitamin daily for its anti-stress effect; and drink Gokhru tea for water retention.
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