I’m sure the best way to be successful in blogosphere is to watch, listen, and learn from those who have already made their mark. So here is a list of articles I have collected from successful people, covering a range of issues related to blogging. Enjoy!
1. 10 Blogging Mistakes To Avoid
– John Chow
2. Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Professional Blogger?
– Yaro Starak
3. How to Build a High-Traffic Web Site (or Blog)
– Steve Pavlina
4. Top 10 Blogging Lessons Learned on Traffic, Monetization, and Life
– Wendy Piersall
5. The 120 Day Wonder: How to Evangelize a Blog
– Guy Kawasaki
6. Conversational Writing Kicks Formal Writing’s Ass
– Kathy Sierra
7. How To Make Money From Your Blog
– Steve Pavlina
8. What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Content
– Lorelle VanFossen