Worlds Worst Music Video !
Worlds First Rotating Skyscraper In Dubai
World's Most Dangerous Battery!
The LiPo is an extremely hazardous battery if mishandled. Watch what happens when I overcharge one at the end! Please pay attention to the warnings for this type of battery!
The Can Man
Idiot Driver Nearly Killed By Train !
The Biggest Human Tounge On Earth !
This guy could catch a basketball with the tongue that he's got! ( A handsome devil, too! )
Scary Kid Needs Exorcism !
Loch Ness Monster Comes Alive In Japan
Funny Bugs Compilation
Have you ever noticed how hilarious it is to watch people trying to get rid of giant bugs crawling on them? Well, now's your chance! Funny Video Enjoy
Near Fatal Fence Jump ( Scary ! )
World's Wackiest Festivals

In celebration of the Catholic festival of Corpus Christi, grown men leap over newborns, with full parental consent. Donning scary, vaguely Elvis-like costumes and wielding whips and truncheons, the men attempt to "cleanse" the babies of evil. Evidently, recklessly leaping over them is the best way to achieve this. The town has observed the strange practice (called El Colacho) since 1620, and any onlookers who seem to be in need of a quick exorcism are pulled into the event, as well -- so look normal, by God! And leave your babies with the sitter.

A hadakamatsuri --naked festival-- is a type of Japanese festival where participants wear a minimum amount of clothing; usually just a Japanese loincloth (called fundoshi), sometimes with a short happi coat, and very rarely completely naked. Whatever the clothing, it is considered to be above vulgar, or everyday, undergarments, and on the level of holy Japanese shrine attire. Naked festivals are held in dozens of places throughout Japan every year, usually in the summer or winter. Hidden somewhere in the midst of all these men in loincloths is one fully naked man. Touching him is believed to bring good luck and happiness.

A tribute to the islands' Viking Past, Up Helly-Aa ("End of the Holy Days"), the fire festivals are held in Shetland annually in the middle of winter to mark the end of the yule season. The festival involves a procession of up to a thousand guizers, and culminates with the burning of a 32-ft. replica of a Viking longship. Due to the often-flamboyant costumes and the large quantity of males dressing up as females, it has earned the joke name 'Transvestite Tuesday'.

The Monkey Buffet Festival (Thailand)
Every year, all of the province's approximately 600 monkeys are invited to eat fruits and vegetables during an annual feast held in honor of Rama, a hero of the Ramayana, who, it is said, rewarded his friend and ally, Hanuman the Monkey King, with the fiefdom of what is now Lopburi. Organizers of the annual monkey buffet use more than 3,000 kg of fruits and vegetables for the festival.

Holi, also called the Festival of Colours, is a popular Hindu spring festival observed in India, Guyana, and Nepal. On the second day, known as Dhulhendi, people spend the day throwing colored powder and water at each other. The spring season, during which the weather changes, is believed to cause viral fever and cold. Thus, the playful throwing of the colored powders has a medicinal significance: the colors are traditionally made of Neem, Kumkum, Haldi, Bilva, and other medicinal herbs prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors.

Though it sounds benign (and kind of goofy), cheese-rolling is very dangerous. Running full-tilt down a very steep hill behind a madly spinning 7-pound wheel of cheese can be well-nigh lethal. In fact, police have attempted to ban the event, but participants have refused to observe the ban. Men and their cheese wheels can not be separated easily, evidently. So what happens during a cheese roll? Simple: the cheese is set to rolling, and racers zoom down the hill after the cheese. However, as the cheese can reach speeds of up to 70 mph, it rarely happens that someone catches the cheese. First to the bottom wins the cheese. Glorious.

In Orthodox countries, the week before Lent is marked with a series of celebrations, including a free-for-all boxing match in which there are no rules. In centuries past, the fight ended only when the participates were covered with blood and bereft of clothes.

The Tunarama festival is held in Port Lincoln, on the tip of Eyre Peninsula, over the Australia Day (26 January) long weekend. When the festival began in 1962, it was intended to promote the emerging tuna fishing industry in Port Lincoln. Tuna fishing is now one of the town's biggest industries and Australia's largest tuna cannery is located there. The highlight of the festival is the tuna tossing competition. Ex-Olympic hammer thrower, Sean Carlin, holds the record for the longest toss at 37.23 metres set in 1998.

The Roswell UFO Festival celebrates the anniversary of the "Roswell Incident," when a UFO was said to have crashed into military grounds nearby. Featuring experts, authors, researchers, and lecturers dissecting the infamous incident, the celebration will also sport an alien parade, an alien costume contest , and an alien hot air balloon ride.

In late August, thousands of people pelt each other with over 250 lbs. of tomatoes in a span of 60 minutes in an event modestly described as the world's largest tomato fight. Every year, over 30,000 tourists come to Bunyol for this festival. Rules of conduct keep the festivities from becoming a more dangerous brawl.
Wedding or Funeral ? Scary Ceremony !
These pictures was taken in wedding celebrate in Thailand.
They have belief that if they got married, some of them will die. So that, they made there wedding similar to funeral ..... for get rid of unlucky couple life.

source : rukz
They have belief that if they got married, some of them will die. So that, they made there wedding similar to funeral ..... for get rid of unlucky couple life.

source : rukz
9 Most Amazing Overlooked Mysteries in History

In the late 2nd century AD, the Greek writer Pausanias wrote an account of how (4-500 years earlier?) in one night a powerful earthquake destroyed the great city of Helike, with a Tsunami washing away what remained of the once-flourishing metropolis. The city, capital of the Achaean League, was a worship centre devoted to the ancient god Poseidon, god of the sea. There was no trace of the legendary society mentioned outside of the ancient Greek writings until 1861, when an archeologist found some loot thought to have come from Helike - a bronze coin with the unmistakable head of Poseidon. In 2001, a pair of archeologists managed to locate the ruins of Helike beneath the mud and gravel of the coast, and are currently trying to peice together the rise and sudden fall of what has been called the “real” Atlantis.

This mystery may even be a problem for those legendary investigators from CSI and the like! The bog bodies are hundreds of ancient corpses found buried around the northern bogs and wetlands of Northern Europe. These bodies are remarkably well preserved, some dating back 2,000 years. Many of these bodies have tell-tale signs of torture and other medieval “fun”, which have made some researchers postulating that these unfortunate victims were the result of ritual sacrifices.

The Minoans are best known for the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, but it is in fact the demise of this once-great civilisation that is more interesting. While many historians concentrate on the fall of the Roman Empire, the fall of the Minoans, who resided on the island of Crete, is an equal, if not greater mystery. Three and a half thousand years ago the island was shaken by a huge volcanic eruption on the neighbouring Thera Island. Archeologists unearthed tablets which have shown that the Minoans carried on for another 50 years after the eruption, before finally folding. Theories of what finally ended them have ranged from volcanic ash covering the island and devastating harvests to the weakened society eventually getting taken over by invading Greeks

Everyone has heard of Stonehenge, but few know the Carnac Stones. These are 3,000 megalithic stones arranged in perfect lines over a distance of 12 kilometers on the coast of Brittany in the North-West of France. Mythology surrounding the stones says that each stone is a soldier in a Roman legion that Merlin the Wizard turned in to stone. Scientific attempts at an explanation suggests that the stones are most likely an elaborate earthquake detector. The identity of the Neolithic people who built them is unknown.

After the Parthians defeated underachieving Roman General Crassus’ army, legend has it that a small band of the POWs wandered through the desert and were eventually rounded up by the Han military 17 years later.
First century Chinese historian Ban Gu wrote an account of a confrontation with a strange army of about a hundred men fighting in a “fish-scale formation” unique to Roman forces.
An Oxford historian who compared ancient records claims that the lost roman legion founded a small town near the Gobi desert named Liqian, which in Chinese translates to Rome. DNA tests are being conducted to answer that claim and hopefully explain some of the residents’ green eyes, blonde hair, and fondness of bullfighting.

The Voynich Manuscript is a medieval document written in an unknown script and in an unknown language. For over one hundred years people have tried to break the code to no avail. The overall impression given by the surviving leaves of the manuscript suggests that it was meant to serve as a pharmacopoeia or to address topics in medieval or early modern medicine. However, the puzzling details of illustrations have fueled many theories about the book’s origins, the contents of its text, and the purpose for which it was intended. The document contains illustrations that suggest the book is in six parts: Herbal, Astronomical, Biological, Cosmological, Pharmaceutical, and recipes.

An amazing discovery of 2,000 year old mummies in the Tarim basin of Western China occurred in the early 90s. But more amazing than the discovery itself was the astonishing fact that the mummies were blond haired and long nosed.
In 1993, Victor Mayer a college professor collected DNA from the mummies and his tests verified that the bodies were all of European genetic stock.
Ancient Chinese texts from as early as the first millennium BC do mention groups of far-east dwelling caucasian people referred to as the Bai, Yeuzhi, and Tocharians. None, though, fully reveal how or why these people ended up there.

The ancient Indus Valley people, India’s oldest known civilization had a culture that stretched from Western India to Afghanistan and a populace of over 5 million. le—India’s oldest known civilization— were an impressive and apparently sanitary bronze-age bunch.
The scale of their baffling and abrupt collapse rivals that of the great Mayan decline. They were a hygienically advanced culture with a highly sophisticated sewage drainage system, and immaculately constructed baths.
There is to date no archaeological evidence of armies, slaves, conflicts, or other aspects of ancient societies. No one knows where this civilization went.
Who Was Robin Hood ?
The historical search for the legendary thief Robin Hood has turned up masses of possible names. One candidate includes the Yorkshire fugitive Robert Hod, also known as Hobbehod or Robert Hood of Wakefield..
The large number of suspects is complicated further as the name Robin Hood became a common term for an outlaw. As literature began to add new characters to the tale such as Prince John and Richard the Lionheart the trail became more obscure. To this day no one knows who this criminal really was.
The historical search for the legendary thief Robin Hood has turned up masses of possible names. One candidate includes the Yorkshire fugitive Robert Hod, also known as Hobbehod or Robert Hood of Wakefield..
The large number of suspects is complicated further as the name Robin Hood became a common term for an outlaw. As literature began to add new characters to the tale such as Prince John and Richard the Lionheart the trail became more obscure. To this day no one knows who this criminal really was.
Barrack Obama Dishonour 911 Victim ?
You analyze yourself, Obama below action can be categorized as 'not respect ' ?
Worst Office Freak Out Ever ( Horrible !! )
This is not a good example for every employees !! Where are the security officers ?
Monster Tumor
Amazing Chinese Handwork
( China, Fujian province, Xiamen city), this stall attracts many of the people since the craftman shows us his amazing handwork.
New World Record Car Jump
World Class Drunks
There are a LOT of funny drunks out there, but here are a few that we think deserve 15 minutes ( or about a minute and a half ) of fame!
Funny - Funny Videos
Super Extreme Body Modification (+18)
The most extreme body modification on earth, pls do not open if you are not ready !!
Monster Eats Jumbo Jet ( Real ! )
Ugly Baby In The Buggy Prank
Airbus A380 first flight with passengers
This is the video of the first flight with passengers of A380, with views of the cabin. ... Airbus A380 first flight.
Sinking Of Japan Disaster Scenes
Disaster scenes from the 2006 movie Sinking Of Japan (Nihon Chinbotsu). It includes volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.
Freaky Dancing Which You Will be Shocked About !
Most extreme dancing that has ever been on the earth. If you are to pussy to watch it, then DONT. ... really wierd dance ...
Making Money with Membership Websites
Making Money with Membership Websites
by JD Reilly
Paid membership sites are one of the surest ways to achieve a regular cash flow on the internet. Paid membership sites are one of the leading business models online today. This is mainly due to the fact that paid membership sites offers more advantages compared to other types of businesses.
Compare it to today's fitness gyms. You have a place to exercise with all of the advantages of diverse equipment and an environment catering to fitness. However, these fitness gyms are merely membership clubs. Their money is made based on membership and a steady monthly income debited from your bank account.
Just hype and hoopla or the real stuff?
First off, let us understand what paid membership sites are. These are informational hubs that provide specialized knowledge in a well-packaged form. When you look at their structure, you can easily begin to see how profitable they are.
Suppose you were to set up a niche website on dog training. With some strategic advertising, you start getting members. You charge $50 for a membership and attract 200 members in the course of the first few months. What would your income be?
You would make a cool $10k every month, just by preserving your membership base. But you don't stop there. Suppose you were to spice it up a little and throw in a closed affiliate program for your 200 members. Suppose each of your members brings in 5 new members, what would the math be?
In one smart move, your membership base has suddenly expanded to 1000 members. Even at a 50% commission rate, you will easily make an extra $25k. And, you are nowhere near saturation. This is the power of membership websites; they are a recurring income model.
The Money Gets Better!
To further make money with membership sites, you could start handing out some multi-tier commissions to a public affiliate program, which would encourage down-line building. Clickbank is probably the best known affiliate site. As the number of people joining you increases, you get a fatter membership income.
Membership websites are the best way to procure self-reliant, subscription-based, continuous revenue. That is how membership websites beat one-time offers when it comes to making steady income. With a one-time offer, you have to promote your product every time. With membership websites, you start making money continuously from the moment a member signs up.
How much can you make? Your membership income depends on the magnetic power of your content. Fresh, updated content is what your members want. Providing content for membership websites is comparatively easy. Every move you make is targeted to please your subscriber base. Every thing you do, from creating new content to setting up an affiliate program, will bring you immediate revenue. Your ROI (return on investment) is instantaneous and massive.
So from the infopreneur's viewpoint, there are no useless gestures while making and maintaining a membership website. No setting up of a free blog waiting for people to come in. No need to provide content that caters to a wide spectrum of people. Just precise, targeted content and marketing.
How much money you make depends on the range of techniques you use to offer your market. There are a number of ways to make money with membership websites. You can make money through:
* Membership fees, which is your initial income. * Renewals, which is the recurring income. * Selling advertising space. * Sending endorsement emails. * Setting up an affiliate program.
And the secret is...
The secret to making huge profits with your membership website is to create an effective marketing plan and act on it without delay. Sounds obvious? You will be surprised by the number of marketers who forget to perform their marketing duties.
Make a to-do list of duties. Your marketing duty of the day may be a simple five-minute task like typing in a few comments about a new product or it could be as extensive as a one-year PR campaign. Whatever it is, keep chipping away at the huge list of people who have evaded you, one way or the other. This is the best way to multiply your turnover from membership websites.
Paid membership income is the newest internet giant that is only just waking up and flexing its muscles. It has still to rise to its full potential. Even so, stories of spectacular successes - and dismal failures - of membership websites are thick all around us. Of course, paid membership websites can bring you a decent income. They are also hassle-free.
Key tips to make money
So, if you are wondering how to make money with membership websites, here are some tips for you:
* Pick a niche that you are passionate about. Don't EVER try to fake it. Sooner or later, your members will catch on.
* Study your market. Are there other websites offering the same services? How does your pricing compare with theirs? How will your members find you in the crowd? What incentive are you giving them to join you?
* Deliver fresh content regularly. Give something very, very new to your subscribers. Articles, books, audios or whatever it takes. If you allow stale content to stay on your website for more than two weeks, you will start seeing an exodus of members.
* Is your unique content readily available offline? Choose a topic that is a little different from the ordinary or explore an angle that sets you apart.
* The aesthetic layout of your website is what makes the first impression on your visitors. Use a good design with clear and sharp graphics. Select color schemes relevant to your target audience and pick a neat and visually pleasing style. Opt for light images and use multimedia carefully. Studies show that a slow loading website loses more than 40% of traffic simply because people are unwilling to wait. Don't let that happen to you.
* Go for top-notch, cutting-edge technology on your website. Use tracking software, auto responders, shopping carts and automatic link submission software. Automate your work as much as possible. This leaves you with enough time to do more important work, like chalking out a new selling strategy.
* Advertise aggressively. Once your website is ready and everything is working properly, it is time to bring in your members. Let others know about you through forums and link trades. Sign up with Google or Adbrite. Post advertisements on search engines. After your website has picked up some, go for PPC (Pay per clicks). * Encourage interaction. Set up forums and blogs. Ask for feedback. Make links prominent so people do not have to run around searching for places to click.
* Offer trial memberships to ezine publishers who already have a large client base. Offer the publisher a percentage of your membership fee and they will promote you.
* If you have already established you niche, you can 'wholesale' memberships to affiliates who will buy from you in blocks. You can give these memberships as bonuses. It is a win-win deal for everyone.
* Learn from the experts: Invest in some coaching material. Learn how the experts became successful and duplicate their methods. Let other people show you the way. It's far simpler than clearing the path yourself. As they say, you can't make a dime without breaking a buck.
Your membership website could be about anything at all. All that matters is that there is demand for the information and a willingness on your part to over-deliver consistently.
About the Author
JD Reilly is committed in helping others succeed at marketing online products and implementing strategies for success. The success is built upon-- A focused target market, A product people are hungry for, A marketing strategy, Automation. If You Want To Make A Easy 4-5 Figure Income Every Single Month From 'Your Own' Wealth-Building Membership Website-- A set-it-and-forget-it business model that creates massive online wealth.
by JD Reilly
Paid membership sites are one of the surest ways to achieve a regular cash flow on the internet. Paid membership sites are one of the leading business models online today. This is mainly due to the fact that paid membership sites offers more advantages compared to other types of businesses.
Compare it to today's fitness gyms. You have a place to exercise with all of the advantages of diverse equipment and an environment catering to fitness. However, these fitness gyms are merely membership clubs. Their money is made based on membership and a steady monthly income debited from your bank account.
Just hype and hoopla or the real stuff?
First off, let us understand what paid membership sites are. These are informational hubs that provide specialized knowledge in a well-packaged form. When you look at their structure, you can easily begin to see how profitable they are.
Suppose you were to set up a niche website on dog training. With some strategic advertising, you start getting members. You charge $50 for a membership and attract 200 members in the course of the first few months. What would your income be?
You would make a cool $10k every month, just by preserving your membership base. But you don't stop there. Suppose you were to spice it up a little and throw in a closed affiliate program for your 200 members. Suppose each of your members brings in 5 new members, what would the math be?
In one smart move, your membership base has suddenly expanded to 1000 members. Even at a 50% commission rate, you will easily make an extra $25k. And, you are nowhere near saturation. This is the power of membership websites; they are a recurring income model.
The Money Gets Better!
To further make money with membership sites, you could start handing out some multi-tier commissions to a public affiliate program, which would encourage down-line building. Clickbank is probably the best known affiliate site. As the number of people joining you increases, you get a fatter membership income.
Membership websites are the best way to procure self-reliant, subscription-based, continuous revenue. That is how membership websites beat one-time offers when it comes to making steady income. With a one-time offer, you have to promote your product every time. With membership websites, you start making money continuously from the moment a member signs up.
How much can you make? Your membership income depends on the magnetic power of your content. Fresh, updated content is what your members want. Providing content for membership websites is comparatively easy. Every move you make is targeted to please your subscriber base. Every thing you do, from creating new content to setting up an affiliate program, will bring you immediate revenue. Your ROI (return on investment) is instantaneous and massive.
So from the infopreneur's viewpoint, there are no useless gestures while making and maintaining a membership website. No setting up of a free blog waiting for people to come in. No need to provide content that caters to a wide spectrum of people. Just precise, targeted content and marketing.
How much money you make depends on the range of techniques you use to offer your market. There are a number of ways to make money with membership websites. You can make money through:
* Membership fees, which is your initial income. * Renewals, which is the recurring income. * Selling advertising space. * Sending endorsement emails. * Setting up an affiliate program.
And the secret is...
The secret to making huge profits with your membership website is to create an effective marketing plan and act on it without delay. Sounds obvious? You will be surprised by the number of marketers who forget to perform their marketing duties.
Make a to-do list of duties. Your marketing duty of the day may be a simple five-minute task like typing in a few comments about a new product or it could be as extensive as a one-year PR campaign. Whatever it is, keep chipping away at the huge list of people who have evaded you, one way or the other. This is the best way to multiply your turnover from membership websites.
Paid membership income is the newest internet giant that is only just waking up and flexing its muscles. It has still to rise to its full potential. Even so, stories of spectacular successes - and dismal failures - of membership websites are thick all around us. Of course, paid membership websites can bring you a decent income. They are also hassle-free.
Key tips to make money
So, if you are wondering how to make money with membership websites, here are some tips for you:
* Pick a niche that you are passionate about. Don't EVER try to fake it. Sooner or later, your members will catch on.
* Study your market. Are there other websites offering the same services? How does your pricing compare with theirs? How will your members find you in the crowd? What incentive are you giving them to join you?
* Deliver fresh content regularly. Give something very, very new to your subscribers. Articles, books, audios or whatever it takes. If you allow stale content to stay on your website for more than two weeks, you will start seeing an exodus of members.
* Is your unique content readily available offline? Choose a topic that is a little different from the ordinary or explore an angle that sets you apart.
* The aesthetic layout of your website is what makes the first impression on your visitors. Use a good design with clear and sharp graphics. Select color schemes relevant to your target audience and pick a neat and visually pleasing style. Opt for light images and use multimedia carefully. Studies show that a slow loading website loses more than 40% of traffic simply because people are unwilling to wait. Don't let that happen to you.
* Go for top-notch, cutting-edge technology on your website. Use tracking software, auto responders, shopping carts and automatic link submission software. Automate your work as much as possible. This leaves you with enough time to do more important work, like chalking out a new selling strategy.
* Advertise aggressively. Once your website is ready and everything is working properly, it is time to bring in your members. Let others know about you through forums and link trades. Sign up with Google or Adbrite. Post advertisements on search engines. After your website has picked up some, go for PPC (Pay per clicks). * Encourage interaction. Set up forums and blogs. Ask for feedback. Make links prominent so people do not have to run around searching for places to click.
* Offer trial memberships to ezine publishers who already have a large client base. Offer the publisher a percentage of your membership fee and they will promote you.
* If you have already established you niche, you can 'wholesale' memberships to affiliates who will buy from you in blocks. You can give these memberships as bonuses. It is a win-win deal for everyone.
* Learn from the experts: Invest in some coaching material. Learn how the experts became successful and duplicate their methods. Let other people show you the way. It's far simpler than clearing the path yourself. As they say, you can't make a dime without breaking a buck.
Your membership website could be about anything at all. All that matters is that there is demand for the information and a willingness on your part to over-deliver consistently.
About the Author
JD Reilly is committed in helping others succeed at marketing online products and implementing strategies for success. The success is built upon-- A focused target market, A product people are hungry for, A marketing strategy, Automation. If You Want To Make A Easy 4-5 Figure Income Every Single Month From 'Your Own' Wealth-Building Membership Website-- A set-it-and-forget-it business model that creates massive online wealth.
Strange Japanese Art !
The Japanese alway come with crazy ideas. now the put a girl in the plastic and vacuum it just for art.
Funny Optical Illusions
Sometimes things just aren't what they seem. But they sure can be FUNNY! Check it out!
Funny - Funny Videos
Funny - Funny Videos
The Coolest Bus in the World !
Fat Kid Slaps His Mom !
Crocodile Death Roll !
A crocodile bites down on a man's arm and performs a Death Roll during a routine stunt in this clip from Animal Planet's Untamed & Uncut. Untamed & Uncut airs Sundays at 9PM on Animal Planet. ...
Huge Street Scary Fight !
Worlds Youngest Juke Box Hero
Incredible Basketball Shooter !
New Guinness World Record
Walking on Water
Little lizard pulls a Chris Angel and runs clear across a pond! Really amazing to watch!
Funny - Funny Videos
Funny - Funny Videos
Baby Born With 3 Arms
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